Academic standards
The partner universities agree to participate in and ensure that any research institution or other organisation affiliated to that university for the purpose of delivery of part of the programme participates in any academic review, inspection or audit of the programme as required by the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA) in Spain, Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) in UK, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) in Norway and the Haut Conseil d’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (HCERES) in France (or their successor bodies).
The partner universities agree, in order to ensure that the quality of the programme is appropriately maintained and enhanced to their mutual satisfaction, that the minimum Quality Assurance measures to be applied to every partner are that:
- All Modules must be evaluated internally by the respective UAB every year; through anonymous multiple-choice questionnaires passed to students and results will be analysed at one of the annual meetings of the JPB. In the case that problems are identified, the group of local coordinators will have to make suggestions in order to improve the situation before the start of the following academic year.
- Peer observation of teaching and sharing of best practice will be undertaken across the universities.
- The programme will be reviewed at most every four years, then compared against JPB agreed criteria for modification or termination.
The whole programme, including all of the separate modules, is evaluated by a visiting evaluator from ANECA (the spanish quality assurance agency), every year.
An independent high-level international committee (External Quality Assessment Board) will be organised and coordinated by a senior expert (selected by UAB Coordinator) with a multidisciplinary profile and experience in global management issues in order to evaluate all the commitments of the consortium regarding Quality Assurance, every two years.
Associate partners will receive the reports made by external examiners and encouraged to produce internal reports to provide advice to the JPB, every year.
[last update = 01/10/2018]