The World Maritime Week Awards recognize the ability of the REM degree to attract international talent. The Master in Renewable...

Job offers: Floating Power Plant
Floating Power Plant (FPP) is a clean-tech company that designs, develops and provides a unique floating patented platform for wind...

ICOE 2022 Call for Abstracts is now open
ICOE 2022 the leading global ocean energy event will be held in 18-20 October 2022. Call for Abstracts is now...

Online webinar: Protecting offshore wind turbine platforms from corrosion
Within the activities of the RENOVABLES project, next September 17th, an online webinar will be given in the topic of...

Save the date for the VII Marine Energy Conference on November 9th
The VII Marine Energy Conference comes back to Bilbao, at Bizkaia Aretoa, next November 9th. The Conference is organized by...

Numerical wave tank testing for marine renewable energy devices
Within the activities of the REM master and the RENOVABLES project, next June 21, Dr. Josh Davidson, from the Departmento...

The development of the spar-buoy OWC wave energy converter at IST
Within the activities of the REM master and the RENOVABLES project, next June 22, Dr. Joao C. C. Henriques, from...

New job offers in NAUTILUS
REM partner NAUTILUS Floating Solutions is seeking candidates for the following three posts: Load Offshore Engineer 2021 Structural Engineer 2021...

Launch of RENOVABLES eurorregional project: a new project to boost cooperation in Offshore Renewable Energy
RENOVABLES Euroregional project (Relaunching of renewable energies through high-level training for offshore within the value chain of the blue economy,...

REM partner IH Cantabria participates in european project Flagship
Researchers from the REM associate partner Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the University of Cantabria participate in the European FlagShip...

REM project has been nominated for the 2020 Atlantic Project Awards
REM consortium is pleased to let you know that the REM project has been nominated for the 2020 Atlantic Project...

MATHEO – Smart Mathematics for Offshore Wind – Webinars
The JRL-ORE will host three free webinars in October that cover interesting research fields in the physical knowledge and mathematical...