Joint Programme Board (JPB)
The Joint Programme Board (JPB) is responsible for the coordination of the delivery, monitoring, evaluation, development and overall arrangements for quality assurance of the master.
The permanent members of the JPB are the Programme Director and four National Coordinators. Additional members may be co-opted to the JPB from representatives from each of the research institutions affiliated to a partner university through bilateral agreements involved in the delivery of the programme or from other external parties as the JPB deems necessary to cover the various disciplines integrated into the programme or to otherwise obtain input from industry. Such appointments will be subject to review by the permanent members of the JPB.
The JPB is accountable to the partner universities. The responsibilities of the JPB include:
- Coordinating and determining the contents of the programme, the competencies to be achieved by students and the teaching methodology
- Coordinating the Quality Assurance of the programme
- Establishing selection criteria for student admission
- Selection and admission of students
- Resolving student complaints in consultation with the relevant university
- Resolving issues relating to examinations, marking and the issuing of Awards in consultation with the relevant universities
- Assigning tutors and supervisors in consultation with the relevant universities
- Coordinating the delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the programme
- Receiving recommendations for the final Award from each university
- Considering such recommendations and advising the respective universities of the JPB recommendations to be considered by each university under their standard institutional procedures in respect of making the Award
- Any other responsibility of an academic nature, except those that are officially regulated and reserved as the specific responsibility of each university under either national or that University’s regulations.
The JPB will meet in person twice per intake. For the rest of the meetings, video conferences will be recommended. Meetings and decisions of the JBP require a minimum quorum of four members, three of which must be from the partner universities. The Programme Director acts as Chair of the JPB. As Chair, the Programme Director does not have an additional casting vote.
[last update = 01/30/2018]